EAA Warbirds of America

Restoration of RCAF Halifax Bomber

For many years, Karl Kaarsgard and his team have been working diligently to restore a RCAF Halifax Bomber, LW170, in Nanton, Alberta, Canada.  A very rare bird indeed.

On February 16, the project made a major announcement.  Here’s what Karl had to say:

When you are searching in the entire world for the holy grail of aircraft – especially for Canada – There are people and places where you will receive the most help. the BEST places where you will find this help. you know where that place is — it is in the hearts of those people who WANT to help.

Well folks this pilgrim found in 2 places in the UK in the past 24 hours, a ton of this goodwill and help in the hearts of the Newark Air Museum team yesterday, and the dedicated hearts of the team at the Yorkshire Air Museum in YORK,  England

Along with my right hand man and H57RC member Andy Ward we were amazed and gob-smacked to receive the following priceless items into the Halifax treasure vaults — DIAMONDS — which have not been seen for years in warbird restoration circles.


SO look now and be amazed at that treasure which did not exist for H57RC and BCMC just 36 hours ago, which now becomes a reality for the rebuild of the Halifax for NANTON, ALBERTA — the little town that could.

Supposedly there were NO propeller blades left in the world that could fit on  a HALIFAX bomber so they could be run — but there are NOW.  RUNNABLE Halifax props are 10 times as rare as Lancaster blades.

BUT we found 12 Halifax prop blades in a shed at Newark Air Museum and  after comparing ”horses” we completed a horse trade with our new friends.

We delivered Harvard and Merlin parts we at H57RC purchased with precious hard cash and we received these beauties in return to bring back to Canada. FOLKS, these little darlings will not fit in my checked luggage but they will be  getting here soon.


We found another place in the UK where CANADA has a special place, yes in those same grateful hearts of people who wish to help us at H57RC and BCMC, at the YORKSHIRE AIR MUSEUM AND ALLIED AIR FORCES MEMORIAL –  called YAM.

New bonds and historic links between our groups were kindled and strengthened today and I see a great future and resurgence of  goodwill for our 2 groups.

It was evidenced today with the agreement of the trade of 12 replica propeller blades and a copy of a Halifax nose perspex to YAM in return for a complete  outer wing panel for a Hastings-Halifax just this afternoon.

3D printing wizard Andy Ward will, in the coming weeks, be popping out Halifax blades at his 3d shop for YAM, as this author tries to figure out how to get our 25 foot X 11 foot X 6 foot = 4 ton wing panel to the REBUILDSHOP in Arnprior, Ontario.

See the YAM TRSUSTEES, including original founding member and guiding  light and visionary of YAM, Rachel Semlyen and myself, with the outer wing panel after our trade plans were finalized with a win-win for all, on both sides of the the Atlantic.

We must always celebrate those GOOD days when things all come together just right. Because we sure as heck know the other kind of days could be  coming.

SO, let us celebrate TODAY. – hmmm I wonder if the people who have not DONATED this year YET, maybe they might figure we are serious about this Halifax project. 




For more information visit:

WEBSITE :  http://www.57rescuecanada.com/

EMAIL:   57rescuecanada@rogers.com