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Warbirds Squadron 32 Fly-In/Drive-In
September 25, 2021

Join Warbirds squadron 32 for our 5th anniversary fly-in/drive in!
- Enjoy brats and hamburgers provided by VFW Florian-Lampert Post 1908
- See static displays and flying Warbird aircraft
- General aviation aircraft welcome to attend!
- The CAF Wisconsin wing will be giving rides in their SNJ-5 and PT-26
- The Military Veterans museum and education center will have a display of military vehicles
- Pedal planes will be available for children
- Free Young Eagle rides for kids 8 -17 years
Event hosted by Oshkosh Warbirds squadron 32
Contact us by email at warbirdssquadron32@gmail.com or check out our facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/OshkoshSquad
Also Participating:
VFW Florian – Lampert Post 1908 – Food Vendor
Commemorative Air Force Wisconsin Wing will be giving airplane rides and have static display aircraft
Military Veterans Museum and Education Center will have military vehicle displays
Wittman Regional Airport will be the place we hold our event. Make sure to check out the new terminal building!