NATA Formation Clinic Williston Municipal Airport (X60)
March 27 - March 31

Join NATA in Williston Florida for a Formation clinic!
Since a Certificate of Insurance (COI) is required for every clinic (no COI-no fly), please alert your insurance company now if you do not already have a COI on file that will be valid for your clinic dates. With few exceptions, a COI will cover all NATA clinics while it remains valid. It is therefore good practice to upload your NATA COI as soon as you receive your policy renewal documents. Full information is available at www.flynata.org/insurance.
Stayed tuned to our website at FLYNATA.ORG for updates, details and clinic registration information.
Please mark your calendars now, and then join us for a great weekend (or three?) of flying, camaraderie and mutual support in our love for warbirds.
Ben “Evil” Cook
Formation Committee Chair, Standards Officer