EAA Warbirds of America

Candler Field Veterans Day Celebration

Veterans Day at Candler Field Museum near Williamson, GA is an unforgettable tribute to those we must never forget. Candler Field creator, Ron Alexander, a winner of two Distinguished Flying Crosses in Viet Nam, makes sure not a single vet is overlooked.

5 Ways to Express Appreciation on Veterans Day

Veterans Day is an important day for showing appreciation to members of our military, past and present. If you’re looking for an appropriate way to honor a veteran in your life, or would like to contribute in a way that’s meaningful for veterans everywhere, here’s a list of suggestions to start you off.

1. Show Up. Attend a Veterans Day event in your area — not just a picnic with friends but an honest-to-goodness parade or service for veterans. Roy Rogers said, “We can’t all be heroes; someone has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by.” Veterans Day is a great opportunity to do just that.

2. Ask someone about their service. It seems like we all know someone who has served and Veterans Day is a great time to ask them about their service. Some questions to get started are: What did you do in the military? How long did you serve? What was your favorite moment in all your time in the service? Did anyone else in your family serve? Why did you choose to go into the service branch you did? Sometimes you don’t have to say anything, just listen and give them your full attention.

3. Fly a Flag – Correctly. Veterans Day is a great opportunity to fly the flag! Just make sure you’re observing the proper rules for display. Not sure exactly what those are? Check out Guidelines for Display of the Flag.

4. Donate. There are a plethora of wonderful organizations who offer all manner of support, services and appreciation for our service members.

5. Visit a VA Hospital. Find out what the policies are at your nearest VA hospital for interacting with patients or volunteering, and spend the day with a veteran. Many VA facilities will have events on Veterans Day or a special lunch you can help prepare. Even if you never interact with a veteran, helping at a facility is a way to give back.

Candler Field Veterans Day Celebration

Ron Alexander
Ron received his primary flight school training at Reese Air Force Base in Lubbock, Texas.  After graduation from flight school Ron was assigned to the Military Air Transport Service flying C-130E aircraft to virtually every continent in the world.  In November, 1966, Ron was assigned to South Viet Nam to fly the C-7 Caribou supporting the Marine Corps and the Army Special Forces.  He was based in Danang located in the I Corps area of Viet Nam. For most of his flying time, he flew in the area around the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in support of Army Special Forces units and the Marine Corps.  The missions were varied and included medevac, resupply, and troop transport.  He flew for a total of 12 months in Viet Nam. Two of those months, he instructed new arrivals on procedures used while flying within South Viet Nam. During the 1 year of service in Viet Nam, the Air Force awarded Ron the Distinguished Flying Cross and 2 Air Medals.  He then returned to the United States in November, 1967 to Sewart AFB, Tennessee to instruct in the C-7.  Ron held the rank of Captain prior to his honorable discharge from the Air Force in 1969. Ron Alexander, known among fellow pilots as a “quiet giant” of aviation, passed away in 2016. He will never be forgotten.